Jahanbakhshi, Reza

Reza Jahanbakhshi
Assistant Professor | COES: Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Affiliate Faculty | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Contact Information
Educational Background
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2016
- M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2010
- B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2008
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Florida Institute of Technology, 2020 - Present
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 2016 - 2020
Current Courses
- AEE 5360, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics and Propulsion
- AEE 5160, Gas Dynamics
- AEE 3241, Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
- AEE 3161, Fluid Mechanics
- AEE 3150: Aerospace Computational Techniques
- AEE 2201, Aerospace Fundamentals
Selected Publications
- R. Jahanbakhshi and T.A. Zaki, "Optimal two-dimensional roughness for transition delay in high-speed boundary layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 968 (2023), A24.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and T.A. Zaki, "Optimal heat flux for delaying transition to turbulence in a high-speed boundary layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916 (2021), A46.
- R. Jahanbakhshi, "Mechanisms of entrainment in a turbulent boundary layer", Physics of Fluids 33.3 (2021), 035105.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and C.K. Madnia, "Scalar transport near a turbulent/non-turbulent interface in reacting compressible mixing layers", Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Mixing and Reaction, Springer Singapore (2020), 25-46.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and T.A. Zaki, "Nonlinearly most dangerous disturbance for high-speed boundary-layer transition", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876 (2019), 87-121.
- W. Han, A. Scholtissek, F. Dietzsch, R. Jahanbakhshi, and C. Hasse, "Influence of flow topology and scalar structure on flame-tangential diffusion in turbulent non-premixed combustion", Combustion and Flame 206 (2019), 21-36.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and C.K. Madnia, "Viscous Superlayer in a Reacting Turbulent Mixing Layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848 (2018), 743-755.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and C.K. Madnia, "The Effect of Heat Release on the Entrainment in a Turbulent Mixing Layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844 (2018), 92-126.
- R. Jahanbakhshi and C.K. Madnia, "Entrainment in a Compressible Turbulent Shear Layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 797 (2016), 564-603.
- R. Jahanbakhshi, N.S. Vaghefi, and C.K. Madnia, "Baroclinic vorticity generation near the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a compressible shear layer", Physics of Fluids 27.10 (2015), 105105.
- R. Jahanbakhshi, M.H. Saidi, and A.R. Ghahremani, "Numerical modeling of pulse tube refrigerator and sensitivity analysis of simulation", HVAC&R Research 19.3 (2013), 242-256.
- A.R. Ghahremani, M.H. Saidi, R. Jahanbakhshi, and F. Roshanghalb, "Performance Analysis and Optimization of High Capacity Pulse Tube Refrigerator", Cryogenics 51.4 (2011), 173-179.
High-fidelity numerical simulations of reacting and non-reacting high-speed turbulent and transitional flows:
- Subsonic and supersonic combustion modelling.
- Low- to high-speed turbulent mixing layers.
- Laminar-to-turbulent transition prediction and control in high-Mach number boundary layers.